Thursday, January 17, 2013

What I won!

This picture deserves a post of its own. This is the bag I won from a few weeks ago. She is a wonderful seamstress from Hawaii. Please go check out her blog.

It is beautiful.  Thank you!

Take Care, 


Figured it out & What I took to sewing club

Well I tried Chrome and was able to post pictures. I don't like Chrome, some of the blogs I read don't load up. Oh well, here is some of the things I made for sewing club. 

 Paisley Elephant and a head band.

Boys PJ's, size 4. Print is from the challenge I got for Christmas.

Girls PJ's, size 4.

Not much else going on here. Its cold and I am just busy with work and driving the kids around. 

Take Care, 


Help with posting pictures

How do we post pictures on blogger? Can't get it to work?


Take Care,


Saturday, January 12, 2013

I won!

I won the give away at Thank you, I love it.

*haveing problems inserting pictures to show you. I will keep working at it.

Take Care,
