I taught a sewing class to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders from Sept. to Dec. I have done it before, but this sewing class was the hardest. I had 15 kids, some stinkers, some did not want to be there and then there were the ones who were terrified of the sewing machine. I am taking about crying, anxiety and panic attacks. Then there was the cutting of pins, jamming the machine, breaking needles (used 4 packages of needles) and missing scissors and seam rippers.
It made for a long semester. We made by hand- teddy bears, pin cushions, ornaments and pillows. On the sewing machine we made pillows and draw string backpacks. Like the one above. They came out great. They are lined and the straps are glow in the dark. The one above will be going to the BH house.
Take care,