Monday, December 31, 2012

Ending the Year with Snow

Here in Albuquerque we don't see much snow, but we got a dusting last night. It is very much needed and its Beautiful.

Three of my kids decided to play in it before it is gone. 
My Christmas wreath this year on my front door.
Snow on our front gate.
Christmas went by fast. We spent it up in Taos with family. There was more snow, but no playing. It was visiting with cousins from VA.
There has been sewing done here. Just need to finish hems and put elastic on pants.
Take Care and Happy New Year.

Monday, December 17, 2012


My prayers go out to the families of those who lost their lives on Friday in Newtown.

I work in the school system here in Albq. as a special ed. teachers aid, working with kindergarten and first graders.  I can not imagine what the students and staff members went (and are going) through.

Today at school, the kids were scared. All doors were keep locked to put parents at ease. We tried to keep our regular schedule, but it did not work. The kids needed a lot of TLC.  The kids keep close and kept looking around. If one student was not is sight (bathroom or other pull out) the others would ask about that student. None of the students wanted to go into the hallways (bathroom, pull outs) alone, "just in case". So we staff members did a lot of walking students to the bathrooms, speech, office, OT/PT and nurse.

Kids understand a lot more than we adults think they do. I will continue to keep my babies at school safe, even if that means skipping my breaks and lunch and walking to the bathroom 40 times or more a day. I will hold their little hands when they need me too, I will give them a hug if they ask for one, I will check and double check a room or hall way for strangers if they ask me too. I will do everything to keep my EGR babies safe.  

My heart goes to the students and staff  Sandy Hook Elementary on their first day back to school. It will be a hard one for them and even harder for the parents.

Take Care,


Tuesday, December 11, 2012


At our sewing club luncheon, one of the sewing members gave all of us 1 1/2 yards of this fabric. We are to make something for the kids and see how many different clothing items we come up with. There are 10 of us. It will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with.
Like sewing with pieces of donated fabric is not  challenging enough.
 Here  is what I am thinking: two pajama tops one for a girl with ruffles on the bottom with red bottoms and a t-shirt style for a boy with blue bottoms. Yes, I know, I have to go buy the red and blue fabric for the bottom of the pj's, but in my defence I now have to make an outfit every time for a girl and a boy. We have been short on boy clothing items, so I need to increase sewing in that area, and sewing girl clothing is a lot of fun.

I won't get to these till after Christmas (I think).
Gotta go, only 8 more days till winter break. Then 2 weeks off...........
Take care,

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sewing Club news

Here is a message from the head of the sewing club I'm in:
                                  Congratulations to the Sew'n SEW-ers for the 806 items donated                                   to the  Barrett  House Emergency Shelter in 2012.

                                  God Bless each of you for your dedication to our ministry. My plans are                                     to deliver the clothing tomorrow.

                                    Thank you!

                                     Have a blessed Christmas and New Year. Margaret          

I need to count and see how many items I made. Will post the results here.

Take care,


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sewing, Halloween costumes and Thanksgiving

Wow! Where has the month gone.
Here is a jacket and 2 pairs of pants I made for the BH kids. I was making warm clothing to keep the kids warm, but the weather has been in the 60's. Where is winter?  
 I have been so busy I have not done much sewing for the BH kids. I just don't have any creative ideas on what or how to mix pieces of fabric together to make something nice and wearable for the kids. I hope for winter break (in 2 weeks) I can get some rest and sew up a storm.
Wool Jacket (lined) size 6

wool pants size 4

wool pants size 2
I have also been making doll clothing. I wanted to open a Etsy shop before November, but life got in the way. I still plan on opening it after the first of the year. Here are a few starter pieces I have made. 

My only doll quilt.

Here is a picture of Em & Matt for Halloween. It was a very warm night.  I made Matt's top and Em's skirt and arm pieces. Sorry I can't get the picture to rotate.


No, that's not a baby Matt's holding. It's the turkey after its bath. He was patting it dry. This year he made the turkey by him self. He also helped with all the cooking.

Here he is with the 25lb turkey. There were NO leftovers this year. I guess he did a great job.

He did a great job.
Until next time,
Take Care,