Sunday, December 15, 2013

What I took to Sewing Club

One paper doll quilt.
The backing.
4 pheasant tops size 4.
I also took a red one. I don't know what happen to the picture.

Size 4 skirt.
Purse and book bag.

Size 4 pj's.

Size 4 corduroy pants.

Size 1T dino pants,

Size 12 mths.

Size 3 corduroy pants. 

2 flannel pillows.

I also took 2 stuffed bears.
Our end of year lunch was today. I don't have the number of how many items were donated this year. As for my number of items donated it was 43 items, down 7 from last year.
Its been a rough year (money wise). I have 3 kids in college & driving and 1 in middle school & sports.
Next year I am going to work on a few things.
Get my Etsy shop going.
Sew more for the BH kiddos
 Stock up on food/household items (tired of not having anything)
Work on my health and lose weight.
Quilt (learn) more.
I made a quilt out of scraps. It fits a twin size bed. I  made it for one of the boys beds in Taos. The blankets I have over there are a bit too short. I decided that  I would make some new ones out of scrap fabric. It was fun making it, it by no means is perfect, but, will keep someone warm. I still need a lot of practice.
Well I better go, I have to get ready for work,  one more week of work then 2 weeks off for the holidays and some sewing.
Take Care,

Thursday, December 5, 2013

OH my

I can not believe I have not posted since October. Well I have been so busy. What have I been up too... soccer (Matthew), Boy Scouts (Matthew), Work (enjoying the little kiddos ) plus working 2 after school clubs (sewing and yearbook), honors band (Matthew), hydrogen car races (Matthew), making a quilt from scraps (found out I am not a quilter) some sewing for sewing club and life. Will post pictures this weekend.

Till then take care and keep warm


Friday, October 11, 2013

Hydrocephalus Donation

Life has been busy, but I did sew up some doll clothes for a silent auction for the Hydrocephalus Foundation back in September. For some reason I can not up load the other pictures. I also donated the doll and the doll case. Never heard back if it brought in money or not. Got involved due to a student I had over the summer working ESY/ISP.  

Kindergarten is a lot of fun, but boy I do come home tired and stressed (a parent is really fussy). I am also teaching a sewing club and  Tech/yearbook club after school. Matthew is also doing MESA,  a Hydro car club, band, jazz band and soccer. For only having 1 kid under the age of 18 he sure is keeping me busy. The other  3 kids are all in college keeping busy doing their own thing.
I am on fall break and did do some sewing yesterday. Hope to take them to sewing club on Sat. after Matthews game. It felt really good to just sew and not worry about anything else and I did not leave the house (even better).
Have a lot more to share from the end of summer and will find the time to share.
Till then take care.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Still alive, but very tired. Kindergarten (21 of then) is kicking my butt. So of course no sewing has been done. Till next time... Take Care


Monday, July 22, 2013

Who are the BH kiddos?

To answer the question on who the BH kiddos are:

The BH kiddos.. are homeless kids from the Barrett House here in Albuquerque, NM.

The  Barrett House is a place that provides housing and supportive services to women and children who are homeless. Most of the women & children come to the Barrett House with nothing or with their belongings in plastic bags.

We  "The Sew -n-Sewers"  (sewing club I belong too)  sew clothing for the kids, bags for the mothers and quilts for whoever needs them, pillows & pillow cases for the kids.  We sew one of a kind outfits for the kids from donated fabric, notions and patterns. We have a few members who knit hats, bags, blankets and clothing for the kids. We have a lady that all she makes is bags -large ones for the mothers to carry their belonging in and small one for the kids to carry any treasures they have.

Once an year we buy personal items (tooth paste, tooth brushes etc..) for the kids and put them in little carry bags. We also gather school supplies or books for the school year. We make or buy toys for the kids to take with them when they leave.

We sew for kids only, because they are happy with what they get. The adults get a little bit picky and want outrageous things made so we keep our sewing to the wee one, from size 6 months to size 12, boys and girls.

So that is who I sew for. Have I done any sewing? NO! That is a  big NO. Been busy with my kids and family. There was also work, which ended last week. So I have 2 weeks off before I get back to work. I will not be in Special Ed. this year, just regular general ed. Kindergarten.... YEA! I am soooo excited. Working this summer in the ISP summer program was extremely hard. Physically, mentally and emotionally. I came out of there black & blue (arms & legs) and  with scratches all over my arms and with less hair on one side of my head. Also, last Thur. I got hit pretty hard on my back and its been sore. Hard to sit, but also hard to stand. Love those kiddos, but man does love hurt.

Anyway, I have to get sewing done this week. I agreed to sew some doll cloths for an auction for Hydrocephalus. To help out a little girl in my summer class who has Hydrocephalus. So that is where I will be headed after this post. Hopefully it will not take me a month for the next post.

Take Care,


Friday, June 21, 2013

A little winter wear with summer wear

Here are 3 flannel pajama pants I took to sewing club two weeks ago. I had them cut for 3 months before getting to them. I was going to hold off to turn them in till the fall, but decided if I did not sew them up, they would never get done. Better late then never.

 All pants are size 12 months.
 Amazing what you can do with small pieces of fabric. 

I also took a flannel blanket with a train on it. "I think I can". Some child will like it, I hope.


Here is some summer sewing I did this week. Last week I cut a bunch of things up and am sewing when I have a few minutes here and there. I wish I could of gotten more tops done, but this is better than nothing. 

 White poly/cotton top. Size 6 months. 

Shorts size 6 months.

Shorts size 6 months.

Shorts size 4.

Flannel shorts, size 4.

Flannel shorts, size 4.

Boys pants, size 3T.

I took the pictures outside this morning and took our bird outside with me. He loves being outside, chirping with the other birds. 

I am getting 2 tomatoes from my 6" plant. It will not grow. At least I am getting something out of it. Maybe its the heat. It's hot over here. 

My zucchini and pinto beans. They are doing OK. Again its hot over here. Temps ranging in the high 90's.

Not sure if I ever showed this blanket. My mother in law started it and I finished it in the fall. It is a very warm heavy blanket. 

I started work (summer school ISP) two weeks ago and its "there". I am not enjoying it. My arms are black & blue and all scratched up from the students pinching, scratching and biting, I come home with a headache everyday from all the yelling. For 2 students its all they do all day long, their way of coping.  We have 5 kids all with different needs. It gets very hard to keep track of who needs what. I have no energy to think much less do anything else. It is a very depressing job, I feel I am there to babysit and nothing else. Blessing and prayers to all the families with special needs kids. 

So, I better get my act together and get my Etsy shop going. I will have 3 kids in college, 1 in middle school and in soccer and do not plan (want) to work next summer. Any advice on this would be helpful.

 I also have to get a lot of sewing done for the BH kiddos. We had 3 sewing club members quit. So we are down to 7 members. We were averaging 800+ items an year. Two weeks ago we only had 246 clothing items. Not good. There is also an increase in the number of homeless kids and the BH home. Not good either. 

Off to get some sewing done before it gets to hot (our air conditioner decided to go out). 

Take Care, 


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Picture heavy post

Here is the sewing I did months ago. I have not touched the sewing machine in a long time. Before school/work ended, I was wishing I was sewing. And now that I am off work for a bit I have not sewed one thing. I have been embroidering, but that's all and I start work next week. Thankfully its only 3 days out of the week and mornings only. Still don't know what I got myself into working in the ISP program.

Size 12 months.

Size 4. Made from strips of fabric.

Both size 4 pants.

Size 4 shorts.

Matthew playing a solo. Got judged and got a score of 2.

Emily (who is now 18) and Jordan for prom. Not sure why this photo is not up right. 

My oldest son ran a 5k for run for the zoo.

Matthew at Scouts. It does not end for the summer.

End of school trip. That's my little spanish non-speaker with the braid.

Emily and Jordan graduated.

A flower Emily got for graduation.


Take Care,


Saturday, May 25, 2013

I am here.

Wow! What a few busy months it has been.

Between taking a job after school running a special education Lego club for 25 2nd - 4th graders, Matthew being in middle school, Emily a senior and graduated, plus driving her to work and her boy friends, the older ones are at home going to college, its been crazy and expensive. I also was in a fitness program for two day out of the week. It was a lot of fun.  Lost a little weight, but not as much as I wanted. I guess a little is better than nothing.

School is out and I am out of work for 1 week then some training and then I am working summer school. This time with  medical (trauma) special ed. kiddos. Not what I wanted to do with my summer, but I need the work (money). As for the next school year I have been moved to a regular education Kindergarten class. That is going to be exciting. This past year was hard: emotional, physical and mentally. I am ready for a change. As for summer school, that is going to be a challenge and heartbreaking.

I have not sewed anything. I have things cut out, but no sewing as of yet. Summer school is only 3 days out of the week so I have a lot of plans to sew. I hope I could get it all done. Two ladies quit the sewing club, due to work and here I have not given anything to the BH kiddos. Talk about feeling guilty. I still have to load and post the pictures from the last sewing I did. Will do that next week, for now I am going to relax and figure out what  really needs get done next week.

Take Care,


Monday, February 18, 2013

Embroidering & sewing

Blogger is being a stinker. I forgot I had to go trough Chrome to post pictures, so I lost some time trying to figure it out. And now my pictures are out of order. Please bear with me. 

Here is a quilt top I have been embroidering for a few months in red work, almost done. I won it from Its called Twas The Night Before Christmas #423 from Crab-apple Hill (picture of the package will not attach to blogspot...gerrr.) There is a quilting part that goes in the middle, I plan to do that in all red and white.  It has been a great relaxer these past few weeks. I also love to embroider.

Here are the flowers I got from Emily for Valentines day. They are beautiful. Enjoying looking at them and wishing for summer and some color outside. It is very windy and dusty here in Albq.

Dreaming of a garden this year. We will see, as I am planning to work summer school.

More of Twas the night before Christmas. This is the left side panel.

Her is girls top, size 12 mths for the BH home.  

One summer dress, size 4.

Girls long sleeve top, size 12 mths. 

These tops were made with scrap fabric another sewing member gave me for doll clothes. Glad I was able to squeeze out 2 tops out of it. I need to find some fabric for some shorts/pants or skirt. I won't be going to sewing club next Saturday so I have some time.

Saturday would of been my dads 69th birthday and is his 5th year anniversary of being gone from us. So I will head up to Taos to be with my mom. It seems like yesterday that he left us. Still can't believe he is gone. 

Here is another embroidery project I have been working on and have finished. Something I just drew up and put to fabric and embroidered. I plan to make it into a pillow.  Blogger would not put it upright. 

Matthew had a MESA competition last week, racing mouse trap cars. Here is his (6th grade car) after the race. He's team beat the 7th and 8th graders from his school. The car looks pretty beat up. He was very proud of his car. I say his, because the other two 6th graders did not help build it. He did a lot of work here at home and all the work on the car by himself. The sawing, drilling, tweaking ... etc.. his car.

I have the day off today and don't plan on doing much. Its cold and windy outside so I plan to stay inside and putter around. I also don't have a voice:(    
Will be drinking a lot of tea and reading blogs (relaxing and resting). I have work tomorrow. 

Take care, 
